Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effect of Motivation on Employees - 9326 Words

CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Human capital has emerged as the most critical firm asset, and the ability to attract motivate and retain capable employees is essential in organization’s innovation and quality improvement (Frye, 2004). These sentiments are supported by Jung and Hartog, (2007) who suggest that, one way for organizations to become more innovative is to capitalize on their employees’ ability to innovate. Jung and Hartog, continue to argue that employees can help to improve business performance through their ability to generate ideas and use these as building blocks for new and better products, services and work processes. Therefore, under new work conditions, to create value, every†¦show more content†¦These sentiments are echoed by Kreitner and Kinicki (2006) who pose that a good reward system should attract talented people and motivate and satisfy them once they have joined the organization. Leadership has existed for as long as people have interacted, and it is present in all cultures no matter what their economic or social makeup. Leadership is not only a human quality; it is found in primitive forms in many animal species, from low-level vertebrates such as chickens to higher-level primates such as gorillas and whales (Troittier, Wart and Wang, 2008). Leaders have a great influence in the organizations as they fuel employee motivation by offering benefits and rewards that meet individual needs Kreitner and Kinicki, 2006 and Yukl, 2002). Kim (2002) suggests that a leader’s use of a more participative management style will result in higher levels of satisfaction among his or her employees. Job satisfaction is extremely important for the well being of the organization as well as the individual (Vecchio, 2006). The significance of job satisfaction can be viewed in the context of two decisions people make about their work. The first is the decisions to join and retain in the organization. The second is the decision to work hard in pursuit of high levels of task performance (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2000). People’s degree of job satisfaction can range from extreme satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudesShow MoreRelatedEffect of Motivation on Employees Productivity1775 Words   |  8 Pagescontinue to keep employees beyond a certain maximum number. Research reports has shown that employees motivation is essential in an organization as it is a key to a successful organization need for maintaining continuity and survival. Motivating the staff leads to broaden their skills to meet the organizational demands. The need for achievement always results in a desire for employees to do extra effort to have something done better and have the desire for success. 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